Philly Poetry Chapbook Review is archived in four issues per year: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Journal updates are rolling, however, updated midweek, except for the Editor’s Note, which is published infrequently, as needed. Contents shown may carry over from past issues.
“Todd Dillard successfully transgresses the unspoken cultural embargo on work that grapples with life during the COVID-19 pandemic in his new chapbook, Ragnarök at the Father-Daughter Dance.”
“Jill R. Burkey dares to question in her chapbook, The Two Hearts Inside Us, because ‘questions breed possibility.'” Read the full chapbook review by new PCR contributor, Shelli Rottschafer.
“Glass Manifesto is a meditative collection of poems that call to resist the powers that move the world at times, or resign and offer oneself up to them at others.” Review by PCR contributor, Drishya.
Poet-scholar Aldon Lynn Nielsen shares about his work, his recent chapbook, and poetry in general in this collaborative interview piece with editor Aiden Hunt.
Check out new poetry books for the week of 2/11 from University of New Mexico Press, Curbstone Books 2, Vanderbilt University Press, University of Alberta Press, Inpatient Press, University of Pittsburgh Press, Gallery Books, The Unnamed Press, Sarabande Books, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Picador UK & Coffee House Press.
Check out new poetry books for the week of 2/4 from Mercer University Press, LSU Press, Black Lawrence Press, CavanKerry Press, Caitlin Press, Farrar, Straus and Giroux & Wesleyan University Press.
Check out new poetry books for the week of 1/28 from Insert Press, Exile Editions, Tupelo Press, Papillote Press, Carcanet Press, LSU Press, Texas Review Press, University of Pittsburgh Press, Fence Books, At Bay Press, University of Arizona Press, Caitlin Press, Amistad, Dzanc Books, Station Hill Press, Copper Canyon Press & Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Meet our contributor, Drishya, a writer and artist based in Kolkata, India, publishing under a single name to protest India’s caste system. Read about his writing life and other work.
Meet our contributor, Francesca Leader, a Montanan living elsewhere who writes poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction. Read about her writing life in her Contributor Q&A.
Meet our contributor, Mike Bagwell, a writer, poet, and software engineer in Philly. He’s published two poetry chapbooks and has a full-length collection forthcoming in 2024.