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Location: Philadelphia Metro, PA
Journal ISSN: 2995-6447
Subject: poetry, chapbooks, criticism, review, interview
Ownership: P. Aiden Hunt

Philly Poetry Chapbook Review (PCR) is a nonprofit publication that publishes under Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND). All content is free, ad-free, and anyone can republish for noncommercial purposes, as long as license rules are followed. If you use our material on the internet, please include a link back to the original article.

We publish journal content on a rolling, weekly schedule, with new content on Tuesdays and Thursdays. However, we divide Philly Poetry Chapbook Review into two volumes of three bimonthly issues per year, for archival purposes. New issues begin in January, March, May, July, September, and November.

We update the PCR Blog daily on weekdays as pieces are ready.

Our publisher, P. Aiden Hunt, funds Philly Poetry Chapbook Review in its entirety. We will disclose and funding changes.
For more information, check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.


Aiden Hunt, Editor

P. Aiden Hunt is a neurodivergent and disabled editor, poet, journalist and publisher. He’s also a literary critic and a proud member of the National Book Critics Circle.

Aiden has created and edited three prior online publications: an activist blog and two cannabis policy news sites. The last of these, Profiles in Legalization, was syndicated by Newstex and NewsBank.


C. M. Crockford, Issues 1, 2, 4

C.M. Crockford is a writer and editor originally from New Hampshire. He’s the author of two chapbooks of poetry, Adore and Mark The Place, and his debut full-length, Birdsongs, will emerge in March 2024 from Alien Buddha Press. Crockford lives in Philadelphia with his cat Wally. 
Find out more at

Mike Bagwell, Issue 1 (Jan./Feb. 2024)

Mike Bagwell is a writer and software engineer in Philly. He received an MFA from Sarah Lawrence and his work appears or is forthcoming in ITERANT, Heavy Feather Review, trampset, Halfway Down the Stairs, HADBodegaWhiskey Island, and others, some kindly nominating him for a Pushcart. He is the author of the chapbooks A Collision of Soul in Midair (Bottlecap Press 2023), Or Else They Are Trees, and a micro When We Look at Things We Steal Their Color and Grow Heavy Under Their Weight (Rinky Dink Press 2024). See more at

Francesca Leader, Issue 1 (Jan./Feb. 2024)

Francesca Leader is a Montanan living elsewhere. Connect with her on Twitter/X (@mooninabucket) or IG (, or find some of her published writing and artwork on her author page,

Drishya, Issues 2, 4

Drishya (he/him ⸱ b. 1997) is a writer and artist based in Kolkata, India, publishing under a single name to protest India’s caste system. He was shortlisted for the Mogford Prize and nominated for the BBA Photography Prize – One Shot Award in 2022. He is @drishyadotxyz on Instagram and X.

PCR welcomes unsolicited contributions during the first fifteen days of each journal issue period. We’re only interested in poets and poetics right now. We are an outlet for literary criticism concerning contemporary poetics and chapbooks, not for original poetry or fiction.

Please read our guidelines fully before submitting pitches. PCR is a curated journal. We purchase first serial rights, which revert one month after publication, and non-exclusive archival and syndication rights.