Tag: Black Lawrence Press

New Poetry Titles (3/12/24)

Check out new poetry books published in the week of 3/12 from Belle Point Press, Bottlecap Press, Black Lawrence Press, Haymarket Books, Ecco, Milkweed Editions, Seagull Books, Hub City Press, Nightboat Books, Signature Books, Four Way Books, Curbstone Books, Kaya Press, Kith Books, Saturnalia Books, Ohio University Press, University of Wisconsin Press, Jackleg Press, Semiotext(e) and Brick Books.

New Poetry Titles (2/27/24)

Check out new poetry books published the week of 2/27 from Alien Buddha Press, GASHER Press, Autumn House Press, Georgia Review Books, The University of Kentucky Press, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, University of Arizona Press, Omnidawn, Tupelo Press, Black Lawrence Press, Signal Editions, The Backwaters Press, University of Nebraska Press, Caitlin Press Inc,, Brick Books, Changes Press, Bottlecap Press, and MoonPath Press.