Chapbook Poem: It’s okay to say the hurricane has an eye by Amanda Rabaduex

It’s okay to say the hurricane has an eye

but if I call tree branches arms
that are reaching out, I’m stuck
in a romantic era. The truth is

I’m looking for a truce—
I’ll take an olive branch,

or the fruit
of a whole orchard.

Wind blows the willow
into a green ocean ready
to help me get carried
away. I’m learning how

to let go of the idea of embrace,
learning to see the trees—
needy, knee deep, needing
to push their most delicate parts

into dirt while all that can be seen
is how they grow towards the sun,

& now I’ve done it again
found splinters of God
everywhere I look
like a storm-shattered oak.

If only my eye were a calm center.

I’m not wrong to say love
when the trees breathe us in

About the Poem

Amanda Rabaduex

Author Bio

Amanda Rabaduex is a poet, writer, college lecturer, and managing editor of Etruscan Press. She served in the Air Force and taught yoga prior to earning a BA and an MA in English, an MA in Poetry, and an MFA in Creative Writing. Her chapbook, Resin in the Milky Way, is now available from Cathexis Northwest Press.
Her writing has won contests with Sand Hills Literary Magazine, The American Writers Review, and Causeway Lit. Her poetry has been nominated for Best of the Net and a Pushcart Prize, and was named a finalist in Two Sylvias Press Chapbook contest, The Comstock Review Chapbook contest, and The Kari Ann Flickinger Biennial Memorial Literary Prize.
Originally from Ohio, she lives near Knoxville, Tennessee.

From Resin in the Milky Way

Resin in the Milky Way is a poetic journey that explores the intricate landscapes of human emotion – from the intimate moments of connection and disconnection to the grandeur of celestial phenomena, the poems reflect on the human condition in its myriad forms, inviting readers to contemplate their place in the universe, the fleeting nature of existence, and the beauty found in both the ephemeral and the eternal.


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