Check out new poetry books for the week of 3/4 from CavanKerry Press, W. W. Norton, Button Poetry, Knopf, Carnegie Mellon University Press, University of Alberta Press, University of Nevada Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Washington Square Press, City Lights Publishers, Red Hen Press, Blair & Graywolf Press.
Tag: Knopf
New Poetry Titles (10/22/24)
Check out new poetry books for the week of 10/22 from Duke University Press Books, Finishing Line Press, Knopf, Stephen F. Austin University Press, Button Poetry, Andrews McMeel Publishing, University Press of Florida, June Road Press, Autumn House Press, Alice James Books, Nightboat Books, Black Ocean, Book*hug Press, Beacon Press, Burrow Press, Other Press, The Song Cave and Copper Canyon Press.
New Poetry Titles (10/15/24)
Check out new poetry books for the week of 10/15 from Finishing Line Press, Saturnalia Books, Curbstone Books 2, Roof Books, University of Iowa Press, Milkweed Editions, University of Chicago Press, Graywolf Press, BOA Editions Ltd., Copper Canyon Press, Haymarket Books, Granta Books, W.W. Norton, Nightboat Books, Knopf & Tin House Books.
New Poetry Titles (10/8/24)
Check out new poetry books for the week of 10/8 from Green Writers Press, Unbound Edition Press, Finishing Line Press, Etruscan Press, Talonbooks, University of Arizona Press, University of Pittsburgh Press, Knopf, LSU Press, Princeton University Press, Alice James Books, Wave Books and Copper Canyon Press.
New Poetry Titles (9/3/24)
Check out new poetry books for the week of 9/3 from Press 53, Variant Lit, Orison Books, Red Hen Press, Signal Editions, Knopf, New Directions, Wesleyan University Press, Bloodaxe Books, Blair, Third Man Books, BOA Editions Ltd., Copper Canyon Press and University of Pittsburgh Press.
New Poetry Titles (8/13/24)
Check out new poetry books coming the week of 8/13 from Querencia Press, Alice James Books, Finishing Line Press, University of New Mexico Press, Harbour Publishing, Knopf, Amistad, TriQuarterly and Red Hen Press.
New Poetry Titles (4/16/24)
Check out new poetry books published the week of 4/16 from Bottlecap Press, Knopf, HarperOne, Small Harbor Publishing, Red Hen Press, Copper Canyon Press, Nightwood Editions, Southern Illinois University Press, Seren, Sarabande Books, Phoneme Media, BOA Editions Ltd., W. W. Norton & Company, JBE Books, White Stag Publishing, ECW Press, knife | fork | book and McGill-Queen’s University Press.
New Poetry Titles (4/9/24)
Check out new poetry books published the week of 4/9 from Faber & Faber, Small Harbor Publishing, Bottlecap Press, University of Pittsburgh Press, Green Writers Press, Loom Press, Paraclete Press, Able Muse Press, Caitlin Press Inc., Stephen F. Austin University Press, University of North Texas Press, McGill-Queen’s University Press, University of New Mexico Press, Curbstone Books, Milkweed Editions, Red Hen Press, Wave Books, Alice James Books, Paul Dry Books, Copper Canyon Press, Coffee House Press, powerHouse Books, Dial Press, Knopf, Nightboat Books, SUNY Press, Belle Point Press, White Stag Publishing, and Anhinga Press.
New Poetry Titles (3/19/24)
Check out new poetry books published the week of 3/19 from Bottlecap Press, Autumn House Press, Knopf, Guernica Editions, Tin House Books, Milkweed Editions, University of Wisconsin Press and Book*Hug Press.
New Poetry Titles (3/5/24)
Check out new poetry books published the week of 3/5 from Graywolf Press, Knopf, Bottlecap Press, powerHouse Books, Milkweed Editions, Acre Books, Seagull Books, The University Press of Kentucky, Yale University Press, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Penguin Books, Able Muse Press, Button Poetry, Miami University Press, Eyewear Publishing, Black Ocean, Seren, MoonPath Press, and Book*Hub Press. Editor’s picks from Diane Seuss and Cindy Juyoung Ok.